kWh to CO2 Calculator

Calculate carbon emissions from electrical usage.

kWh to CO2 Calculator

Average Monthly kWh (kilowatt-hours)

Time Span (Months)

Building Size (m2)

Carbon Intensity (gCO2/kWh)
If your country isn't listed, visit this website for the full list, and click the "table" tab.

Total kWh: 0

CO2 Per Month: 0

CO2 Total For Time Span: 0

CO2 Per m2 For Time Span: 0 co2 / m2 (DK Avg. ~0)

m2 Data based on publications by odyssee from 2021.

How It Works

Electricity consumption contributes to carbon emissions, but by how much? With this calculator, you can estimate the emissions generated by your building's electricity usage. This helps you set a baseline, so you can track your progress when implementing strategies to lower your carbon footprint. For example, switching to DC power for devices like LED lights can cut emissions by up to 40%.

Formulas for kWh to CO2 Carbon Emissions

Total kWh

This calculates your total electricity usage over a given time period by multiplying your monthly consumption by the number of months you specify.

\( TotalkWh = kWhMonth * Time Span \)

CO2 e (Kg) Total For Time Span

This formula calculates your total CO2 emissions in kilograms over the selected time period (in months). It multiplies key variables, including carbon intensity, then divides by 1,000 to convert grams to kilograms. Carbon intensity (grams of CO2 per kWh) varies by country—check the reference chart on this page for your country’s value.

\( CO2 e (Kg) Total For Time Span = \frac {{Carbon Intensity * kWhMonth * Time Span}}{1000} \)

CO2 e (Kg) per Month

This formula calculates your average CO2 emission per month.

\( CO2 e (Kg) per Month = \frac {{CO2 e (Kg) Total For Time Span}}{Time Span} \)